This HurlbutDNA site is intended to allow interested people to collaborate on a project of using DNA tests to connect Hurlbuts and associated surnames.
We will try open access. For editing - enter "wiki"
1.DNA use in Genealogy
2. Family Genealogy
3. Surname Variations
4. DNA Test Results
5. Adding to this site
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Status of Project
Sept. 20 2006 - DNA results are posted for 7 members. The Hurlbuts show a distict difference from the Hulberts. These results confirm Thomas Hurlbut is not at all closely related to William Hulbert/Hulburd.
July 9 2006 - Number of members at 5 with 2 of those pending results.FTDNA Predictions show probability of H1 Hulbert and H2 Hurlbut having a common ancestor in 24 generations is 0.45%.
Suggestion to do free testing at
June 20 2006 - FTDNA Hurlbut Surname Project started with 1 Hurlbut and 1 Hulbert. Support website started at Y DNA information also found for 2nd Hulbert thru Sorenson Foundation
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