mtDNA Results
4.6 Sorenson Foundation Free Testing
4.7 Guide of where next
4.1 The Hurlbut (Hulbert/Hurlburt/Hurlbert etc.) Surname Project at Family Tree DNA is at
People requesting DNA tests can sign up there with a discounted group price.
A project General Fund is available to support those in need. More information
Those already tested should have a JOIN option on their personal page.
DNA Heritage also shows the Surname Project.
There is also the possibility of free DNA testing at with the drawbacks being a year or more to get results and no ability to directly contact other participants.
This project got started with a posting at the Hulbert Genforum reporting that a Hulbert project had been initiated. Investigating that lead showed a Hurlbut also had performed a DNA test. Now we have multiple results that continue to grow.
4.2 At
there is a list of surname databases with results:
Hurlbut/Hulbert at Ysearch surname search, Ybase surname search, SMGF surname search, GeneBase and FamilyTreeDNA project listings.
None yet at Oxford Ancestors Database
All individuals who have DNA test results are encouraged to include them on the public databases to facilitate matching.
4.3 Table of Hurlbut DNA Results generated by Yutility
Genetic Distance is the number of differences, or mutations, between two sets of results.
These results show first three members are related as well as H2-H5-H6-H7-H8-H10-H12-H18-H19. The two groups are shown to be not closely related.
Member H12 is a English descendant of Hulberts. The results indicate a close relationship to Thomas and the ancestors of the English member.
Member H13 is a Hurlbut whose DNA results include 6 values for multicopy marker DYS464. An explanation online suggests matches can be made for all values as is shown in H13A.
Member H14 is a Hubbard with a reported line to John Hulberd. The DNA results show there is not a close connection to other members results and further investigation will be done.
Mutation Descent Charts show the relationship of the members
SMGF results give additional markers shown on SMGF Data page.
There is also test results showing full 67 markers for member H8.
This family line is Daniel, John Rogers, George Daniel, Owen Daniel Hurlbut (Daniel Reams), Orin Reams
This haplogroup is reported as G2. The project member has limitations in the information about his family line. He will be actively searching out potential people for DNA testing to better identify connections. Anyone with knowledge of these ancestors is encouraged to reach him thru results posted at or the project administrator here.
4.4 The Haplogroup for the Hulbert and the Hurlbut members were “predicted with a high level of certainty” to fit R1b1c. A nomenclature change was made in May 2008 to identify this group as R1b1b2. The Wikipedia entry for R1b at shows that this is
identified by markers in order R (M207), R1 (M173), R1b (M343), R1b1 (P25), R1b1b2 (M269).
An asterisk (*) added to a haplogroup is to indicate a member who is not of a known subclade.
Project member H2 has had subclade testing done that shows the R1b1c markers
and the absence of other markers that count out other haplogroups as
M18-, M73-, M37-, M65-, M126-, M153-, M160-, SRY2627-, M222-, P66-. Other SNPs not tested are S21, S26 and S29.
Comments on R1b1b2 include that nearly all present-day Europeans in R1b are in R1b1b2.
There is a modal haloptype for R1b included at Ysearch as user C7BED.
The first 12 markers are referred to as the Atlantic Modal Haplotype.
The Thomas Hurlbut results match this haloptype while the William Hulbert haplotype has a distance of three.
There is a FTDNA project for R1b and links for haplogroups at World Families.
More Discussion of R1b and our family.
4.5 mtDNA results provide identification of maternal ancestry. mtDNA haplogroups are assigned. A database is maintained at The mtDNA test results at SMGF are available at .
So far we have the following results related to our surnames
4.6 SMGF Sorenson Foundation offers free YDNA/mtDNA testing of 36 (39 counting dual) markers for those who can provide a 4 generation pedigree at
4.7 There is a How-To Guide for DNA Genealogists at the McEwan site.
A starting point is posting results at and looking for near matches.
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